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Finally, a space designed
for modern educators.
From challenges to toolkits, resources to mini-trainings;
you never have to reinvent the wheel again.
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“How can I help my students with fractions?"
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Bookmark strategies and ideas to try and leave notes for next time.

“What are my favorite ideas for teaching opinion writing?"

See something you love? Add your notes and remix activities to use in your classroom.

“How did I teach nouns last year?"
Featured Challenges
Join us to learn strategies and get access to resources to help you achive your goals!
Create Your Own Podcasting Mini-Unit
When you teach a mini-unit in podcasting, you're setting your students up to better understand all video and audio learning experiences throughout the school year by setting routines and expectations around listening in the classroom.

By the end of the challenge, you'll be ready to embed podcasts into your lessons to make them even more exciting and dynamic experiences for your students!
Using ChatGPT to Make Parent Communication Simple
Keeping families in the loop helps to keep that home and school connection strong while keeping families informed about what's happening in school. The problem? It takes so much time! You find yourself drowning in emails and spending your precious few minutes of prep time making phone calls. Writing report card comments takes up your entire weekend.

There's a better way to communicate with families without spending all of your time doing it. (ChatGPT!) In this challenge, you'll use ChatGPT to write classroom newsletters in under 10 minutes, create student feedback banks, and create email templates.
How does a challenge work?
Choose what you need.
Choose a challenge to help you solve a problem or explore a passion area.
Get strategies and resources.
Discover teacher-tested projects and resources to achieve your goals and make your job easier.
Get things done!
Track and tackle clear action steps to make a quick impact in your classroom.

Get inspired  by a global community of your peers.

Because the best ideas come from the teacher down the hall. (And with PopPD, every teacher is “down the hall”.)
Explore Content
Educator creators are using PopPD to share time-saving, inspirational teaching strategies and resources in a bite-sized format with resources you can use right away.
Building Strong Foundations: Planning the First 3 Days of School for MS and HS Teachers
Plan your first three days by establishing organized systems, igniting excitement, building strong relationships, and fostering a positive classroom community.
10 Simple Activities for the First Week of School
I'm here to help you kick off the school year with fun, engaging community building activities for your upper elementary classroom. These get to know you activities will set the tone for a positive start to the year in your classroom.
Parent Communication 101: For Teachers Who Are Scared to Call Home
Teachers will leave this 10-minute PD with a basic phone script to use when calling home and the knowledge in how they can change it for different types of calls home.
Building Creativity Into Your Classroom
Work through ways that align with your interests, skills, and talents when it comes to feeling like you are able to add creativity into your life and your classroom.
4 Easy Steps to Powerful Reading Lessons
This training covers reading lesson ideas and instructional techniques to lead powerful literacy lessons in your elementary classroom.

Intro to Automating Your Classroom with ChatGPT
By completing this challenge, you will be able to leverage the power of ChatGPT to streamline your teaching process, freeing up time!
Look Who's Teaching!
Meet the educators using PopPD’s platform to share their favorite teaching strategies.
Jess Karr
K-6th Grade Art Teacher
Maureen Curtin-Parker
7 - 12th Grade Math & Science Teacher
Mikey Sivert
4 - 6th Grade Teacher
Dameekia Edwards
3rd & 4th Grade Teacher
Laura Petix
Occupational Therapist
Michelle Schmidt Moore
6 - 8th Grade ELA Teacher

PopPD for Schools & Consultants

Create a Learning Experience

Create a private, personalized bank of training resources for your teachers.

Give Feedback

Help your teachers implement with virtual coaching cycles.

Include Your Notes and Questions

Use our platform’s features to include your own notes and discussion questions alongside demo lessons.

Chat with Teachers

Keep track of communication with teachers and provide 1:1 support with chat and host your own professional learning communities.